





NYE, there’s a bit of a tradition: doing a small recap of my favourite moments
of the past year. Of course, I didn’t do it last year, since I’ve started this
little journey not so long ago – and I hope I will continue to do so long
enough to have a lot more to remember – but this year, I decided to do it,
because it’s been a pretty hectic one. Law school will make you feel like you
have no life, sometimes.
As I was saving my favorite photos of the past
months, I realized I've changed, I had so much growing up to do. Illusions and
realities clashed all together and I've learnt that everything you want can be
yours, somehow, if you do everything you can to accomplish it. I'm not saying
that I've accomplished something big like Style Scrapbook or Lovely Pepa, but I
did made something in my own, learning that I can trust myself.
2014 was definitely the year where I have finally
realized one dream- traveling to New York by my own and see the city another
way that I've did before.
I got to spend a part of the summer visiting the
country I cherish the most with my best friend, and I got to meet some
incredible people that I think come into my life for a reason, and I hope those
friendships will last. Plus, I got to spend my birthday in Paris, at my
favorite spot with my sister at La Durée. I traveled to places I've never been
before and I realized that I could spend an entire night in the Desert looking at the stars, and enjoying it far much more that I've expected. I got to ride a
camel - which was a pretty insane experience. Furthermore, I realized I could wake up at 3:00 am just to see the run rises on the edge of a cliff, just for the beauty of experiencing the most magical moment of a day.
I've literally discovered Paris this past year and I
got to bring some contents I'm really proud of - especially this one we made at Palais Royal where I wore that perfect printed pink dress. 2015 is coming, and
I hope that I'l realize some of the projects I put my mind into.
I always try to keep a positive attitude and try to
find what are the highs and lows of each day. I try to work so hard and I'm
determined to believe that 2015 will be so much more different that 2014.
May the new year bring you all the love and blessings
you all deserve!
Thank you for being a part of my journey and I hope I
will keep on and be able to do much more!!